Monday, December 06, 2004

Midweek Reception

Midweek is a shopper weekly distributed only on Oahu, where I don't live. Because of that, and the high subscription price (the paper, thick with Oahu supermarket ads, is costly to mail), non-Oahu residents like myself have to settle for the website, which is a little more substantial than I thought, but still doesn't have online the columns by longtime Hawaii media personality Bob Jones, or other writers such as Dan Boylan, Rick Hamada, Larry Price, Jerry Coffee, Jade Moon, or Susan Page, let alone Linda Dela Cruz, Pamela Young, Katie Young, Steve Murray, or Bob Hogue.

Within Midweek's regular roster of columnists are names I know: Jones, Boylan, and Price, and names I don't: Katie Young, Page, Murray. I'll be among the first to say Hawaii's media is too Oahu-centric as well as underdeveloped, especially on the Big Island, but I'm sure many people beyond Oahu--especially on the other islands-- are interested in these columns, which appear online only as titles and one or two teaser sentences. And they aren't reprinted even in Midweek's sister publication, Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

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