Thursday, December 30, 2004

My review of Hawaiian Style will be posted sometime next month. Celebrating Christmas and working has precluded me from really reviewing it, but I will. If you're on the Big Island, look for copies of Hawaii Free Press. The first issue of this biweekly newspaper (dated January 1, 2005) is out now. It has a circulation of 10,000 for this issue and 20,000 for issues thereafter.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Jonathan Weber, co-founder of The Industry Standard is teaching a course on "Creating Your Own Magazine" at the University of Montana Journalism School.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The first and second annual 50 Best Magazines List in The Chicago Tribune. While we await the third, check these two lists out. The first also had lists of "Mags Gone Bad," (but no explanation of why or how these magazines went bad) "Best Regular Features," "Best Writers," "Best Columnists," and "Best Back-Page Features." I'll be looking at both lists, noting omissions (what titles from the first list didn't make it onto the second) and overlap (and what titles are on both lists) between the two.

And I promise the Hawaiian Style review will be worth the wait.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Late last year, Jason Kottke set out to read 52 magazines (one a week) in 2004. He solicited suggestions on what to read. By the middle of the year he stopped. I hope he keeps seeking magazines and writing about them. Reviews of magazines are rare compared to reviews of books and magazines. Providing such reviews is a major reason for this blog.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

A look at Honolulu magazine
As you may have inferred, I live in Hawaii. I'm listing as many publications in the Hawaii Media links as I can, both online versions of print periodicals and online-only periodicals. My first magazine review, of ''Hawaiian Style'', is coming soon.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Where Will It Go?

When CNNfn is taken off the air later this month, what will become of shows such as this?

design360 takes a unique look at the creative process, the social context and the business perspective of design throughout Europe and beyond. This half hour program explores the unexpected influence of design in all our lives as we enter the 21st century, with each episode dedicated to a particular theme such as sport or travel.

The programme features interviews with leading figures in the fashion world, such as Donatella Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCarthey, Paul Smith, Vivienne Westwood and Brigitte Bardot. Design 360 has also interviewed celebrated architects, including Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Lord Norman Foster, Rem Koolhaas and Shigeru Ban. 'Prototype' looks at the latest ideas, news and gadgets while 'Design Icon' focuses on classic designs which have had widespread appeal, such as Birkenstocks, the World Cup trophy and the Anglepoise lamp.

Top journalists, CEOs and fashion stylists are called upon to comment on a variety of subjects making this program a fascinating and unique analysis of the design world.

I just found this article: The late, great Senator Hiram Leong Fong, in his college days edited Ka Leo, the student newspaper at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and was associate editor of the Manoa yearbook, Ka Palapala.
R.I.P., Bill Katz.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Midweek Reception

Midweek is a shopper weekly distributed only on Oahu, where I don't live. Because of that, and the high subscription price (the paper, thick with Oahu supermarket ads, is costly to mail), non-Oahu residents like myself have to settle for the website, which is a little more substantial than I thought, but still doesn't have online the columns by longtime Hawaii media personality Bob Jones, or other writers such as Dan Boylan, Rick Hamada, Larry Price, Jerry Coffee, Jade Moon, or Susan Page, let alone Linda Dela Cruz, Pamela Young, Katie Young, Steve Murray, or Bob Hogue.

Within Midweek's regular roster of columnists are names I know: Jones, Boylan, and Price, and names I don't: Katie Young, Page, Murray. I'll be among the first to say Hawaii's media is too Oahu-centric as well as underdeveloped, especially on the Big Island, but I'm sure many people beyond Oahu--especially on the other islands-- are interested in these columns, which appear online only as titles and one or two teaser sentences. And they aren't reprinted even in Midweek's sister publication, Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Pacific Media Watch

Saturday, December 04, 2004


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